Canon IXUS 500 HS 相機規格、價錢及介紹文章 - (6月21日)隨著大眾對相機的要求愈來愈高,便攝 DC 亦不能只著重輕巧機身,要在有限的空間內加入最多最強的功能,才... (6月18日) 緊接性價比甚高的 EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM,Canon 另一重頭戲全片幅的 EF 16-35mm F4L IS USM 亦... (6月17
Digital IXUS 500 HS - Canon Malaysia - Personal The IXUS 500 HS’s perfect rectangular creation is derived from the mathematical golden ratio of 1:1.618 that has inspired artists and architects for centuries. ... Features a wide-angle 28mm 12x optical zoom lens in a world's slimmest* 19.2mm compact body
Canon IXUS 500 HS 最薄12 倍變焦相機- 2012年1月11日 - 而當中最新發表的IXUS 500 HS(ELPH 520 HS)便實行大玩高倍, ... 了28mm 的廣角,而遠攝則可達336mm 等效,配合手持拍攝,IXUS 500 HS 並 ...
Canon ELPH 520 / IXUS 500 review | Cameralabs Looking for a Canon ELPH 520 / IXUS 500 review? Check out my report on this budget super-zoom with 10 Megapixels and a 12x zoom! ... Canon ELPH 520 HS / IXUS 500 HS shooting modes Though Canon has in the past experimented with manual modes on ...
Canon IXUS 500 HS Review - Specifications | PhotographyBLOG Expert review of the Canon IXUS 500 HS / ELPH 520 HS camera with sample photos, test shots, videos and more... ... RECORDING PIXELS / COMPRESSION Image Size 4:3 - (L) 3648 x 2736, (M1) 2816 x 2112, (M2) 1600 x 1200, (S) 640 x 480 16:9 - (L) 3648 x ...
Canon IXUS 500HS消費型相機- Yahoo奇摩3C科技 2012年8月1日 - 閱讀Yahoo奇摩3C科技上的「Canon IXUS 500HS消費型相機」。 ... 500 HS的CMOS鏡頭仍採用上一代的規格,畫質略低,光圈不夠大也是其缺點之一,不過它的影像處理器是 ...
Canon IXUS 500 HS (第1頁) - Canon數位相機- Mobile01 請問一下哪位有玩過Canon IXUS 500 HS的縮時攝影的效果可以說明一下嗎? 謝謝!
Canon IXUS 500 HS 最薄12 倍變焦相機- 2012年1月11日 ... 隨身DC 一向講求輕便,不過在手機拍攝質素越來越高之下,就算是Canon 等大廠亦 要想盡方法抗衡。而當中最新發表的IXUS 500 HS(ELPH 520 ...
Canon IXUS 500 HS 28mm廣角高畫質數位相機商品價格與比較- EZprice比價網 Canon IXUS 510 HS 12倍變焦內建Wi-Fi觸控機 Canon IXUS 500 HS 28mm廣角高畫質數位相機價格比價 相關關鍵字搜尋: Canon, IXUS 500, 廣角, 相機, CANON 廣角數位相機, canon 廣角相機, canon 廣角鏡, canon 廣角, canon 廣角機, CANON 相容 canon, , , ...
Canon Ixus 500 HS: Review - DigitalVersus - Reviews & News, TVs, LCD Monitors, Laptops... The Canon Ixus 500 HS is one seriously attractive pocket camera. It also happens to perform well in pretty much any situation, so long as you can handle the slightly disappointing battery life and you don't plan on printing large-sized pictures. However,